Tuesday, March 10, 2009

breastmilk is still best but...

On every Philippine tv or radio commercial for milk products for babies , it always end with this statement:

"Breastmilk is still best for babies up to 2 years."

It sounds conflicting, don't you think? I mean here you are listening to an infant formula ad urging you to buy this milk because its formulated with this and fortified with that and ends up with "breastmilk is still best for babies...."
However, some mothers, especially working mothers, feed their babies both ways. While at work, their babysitters bottlefeed them and when mommies are home, they breastfeed their babies. Although they know breastmilk is best, they also also know that they have to work to help augment income for them and the babies' other needs like diapers, baby wipes, vitamins, baby baths and shampoos, diaper rash ointments and clothes. Not only that, how about the periodic vaccines which don't come cheap? And it's just the beginning. They have to think of the near (and not so near) future expenses like preschool tuition fees and all that comes with it.

Seems like I'm deviating from my original topic...hehehe...Anyway, back to where I started, breastmilk. There's no arguing that it's the best. Not only that it's complete, it also bonds the baby and the mother closer to each other.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

what this blogname mean

Your Child's First. I was thinking that this blog would be about your child's first word, first crawl, first step, first this, first that. Although those "firsts" are moments, special and intense to parents and the baby as well, there just aren't enough to last a blog's lifetime. But I surely would post about those "firsts" too. So decidedly, this blog would be about your child as your first and top priority. I would like to say though that most of my posts will be excerpts from books I've read and of course from personal experience. So, would I see you around?